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Writer's pictureNick Bonsall

November 7th, 2020

So it has been a few days since I have written anything, but so much has happened since the 27th of October.

First, the bad news. I guess this isn’t necessarily bad news, but it is just not happy news. We found out last week that we had not been chosen for the Journey To Parenthood grant. This would have been nice to receive and definitely would have been helpful in paying for this adventure, but I know that the grant went to a family that needed it more than we did. We will definitely apply again in a few months and we will also apply for a grant through Baby Quest. This would make a huge difference if we were to be chosen for a grant such as these!

Now that that is out of the way, there are so many amazing things that have happened as well. Sarah received all of her medications the day after my last post, and she started with injections on November 2nd. The picture that I’ve included with this post is not even all of the medication that Sarah will be taking (some of it has to be refrigerated). Seeing this picture made me extremely emotional. Sarah is going well out of her way to help us, and the fact that all of this medication is going to assist us in having a family of our own is so crazy to me. We told Sarah and Lee that we will truly never be able to fully repay them for what they are doing for us and that we try to make it up to them for the rest of our lives. Their response is just a testament to the type of people that they are: “Your friendship is payment enough.” We are truly blessed, and I cherish the friendship that we have with these two amazing people.

Since Sarah has started the medications, she has gone to RMA twice for check ups and both times they have said that everything is going as planned. We are excited that things are progressing so well, and we are still hoping to be on track for the retrieval to be either November 12th or 13th.

Also, on October 28th, we got a call from RMA of Philadelphia saying that our sperm had arrived safe and sound. We are so glad that this portion is complete! Once the retrieval takes place, everything is in order for the insemination to happen immediately! This is the ideal situation as the results are usually better when the fresh oocyte is fertilized instead of one that is frozen. The process of fertilization takes about 5-7 days in total, and once that is complete the embryos will be frozen until we do the transfer with Courtney!

Last weekend, our friend Rose did a small photo shoot with us to get some shots for us to put in a Christmas card. We have made the decision to tell our immediate family on Thanksgiving, but we are going to make an announcement on our Christmas card to inform our extended family and close friends. The Christmas cards we ordered came in yesterday, and they are so adorable! I can’t wait to send them out so that our family and friends can all finally be in the know!

We put together a care package for Sarah for both before and after the retrieval with a bunch of things that she likes! We’re hoping it will both ease her nerves before and allow her to relax afterwards. We offer a big thanks to Courtney, Andrea, and Sarah’s sister Alyssa who gave us so many wonderful ideas of things to include in the care package. We hope that she loves it, and when she gets it on Monday, I will include a picture of its contents and write about her reaction.

I don’t want this blog to be political, but I just have to make one statement based off of the events of today. I have been extremely worried about the future of our adventure based off of the events of the recent past. Today, I have a new hope in the direction that this country is going in, and I don’t fear the things that I feared only a few days ago.

I know that this post has jumped around a lot, but so much has happened and I have just been so busy that I have been putting off making a post. That is going to change. I feel like things are moving so fast and I definitely need to be better about getting on here more often and just making sure that I keep everything up to date!

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